It blooms Open its velvet petals The colors burst from within The years of melancholy and Gloom Are over From within Red colored It flourishes with time The green leafs grow slowly And they beautifully sprout Like the cherry blossom I see when I look through your window It blooms The spring of feelings in weiterlesen

Am I free ?

The little me is proud nowOf the nos I can sayAnd the yes‘s i stand behindThe people I let go offAnd the people I let itThe fear I facedI befriendedThe gift I acknowledge ofThe spark within I let outShe is without a doubtLooking at me withAn admiring big black eyesI got outThe freedom price was„Am I free ?“ weiterlesen

No questions

You leave no questions in mind Answer them before I ask It’s new I am used to the questions and the wondering I wasted a lot of time in the unknown suffering analyzing Imagining Creating stories in my head Till I became a fictional storyteller for a non fictional life My life And now I„No questions“ weiterlesen

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